Team Cam is one of Maryland’s leading commercial contractors specializing in asphalt paving. We offer professional paving and milling services for commercial, retail, industrial and municipal projects the Baltimore/D.C. areas. We have the equipment and resources to pave and mill any size project, from a parking lot to a highway.


Asphalt is a strong surface material that is suitable for projects from large roadways to small parking lots. Since asphalt is black in color, it can absorb the sun’s rays and melt snow at a faster rate compared to a concrete parking lot. Choosing to have an asphalt parking lot installed is a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing choice, which adds significant value to your business. We also offer milling and grading to prepare the surface and ensure proper drainage as well as maintenance and repair services.

Our services include:

  • Road Paving
  • Parking Lot
  • Patching
  • Pothole Fill
  • Crack Fill
  • Seal Coating
  • Speed Bumps


If your parking lot is beginning to show signs of age, wear, and tear, it may be time for maintenance. Invest in repairs and upkeep to maximize its life expectancy. Expect to need minor repairs and sealcoating about every two to three years to make sure your parking lot stays in good condition. A properly installed asphalt parking area can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance. Team Cam knows the best maintenance methods to make the most of your parking lot and keep it looking its best.


The best way to protect the investment in your asphalt pavement is to be diligent about preventative maintenance such as crack filling and seal coating. Be consistent and frequent with your inspections, because once asphalt decay issues have advanced past the stage for simple and less costly maintenance, a reactionary and likely more costly solution may be your only choice. Asphalt patching is very necessary maintenance for areas of asphalt that:

  • are heavily cracked (or looking resembling a surface that appears “alligatored”)
  • are sunken or dropped below grade,
  • are weather-exposed and decayed due to repeated freezing and thawing (resulting in potholes)
  • are raised organically by tree roots or underlying water damage.

When Team Cam preforms asphalt patching repairs, the perimeter of the affected area will be saw-cut to provide a clean, professional-looking edge, and to provide maximum structural integrity. All cuts will be made at least 12-18″ outside of the visible surface damage because most damage starts underneath, working itself upward and showing itself at the surface last. If the repair area is too small, there can soon be new damage around the perimeter of a new patch.

Old, weathered, damaged, and decayed asphalt will be milled (removed) and disposed-of. Most likely, it will be recycled; asphalt is the most recycled material in the world. The asphalt sub-base or native soil will be inspected and the appropriate maintenance action will be taken which may include: pruning back tree roots, introducing new crushed rock, or providing additional compaction on the base or sub-base. The new hot mix will then be placed and compacted. Tar seal is then applied to the asphalt seams (between old adjacent to new) to prevent moisture penetration. By most asphalt standards, the actual asphalt thickness (not including base and sub-base) should never be less than 2 inches. Areas with heavy traffic loads, including high traffic volume on the asphalt application, will require a greater thickness.


Moisture penetration into asphalt through small cracks is the most common symptom of asphalt damage and decay. However, it is easy and cost-effective to mend. Cracks typically start small as a direct result of an organic freeze-thaw cycle. Then, as moisture penetrates through these cracks and gets underneath the asphalt layer, it begins to disturb the sub-grade layer and can quickly cause more widespread damage. Team Cam is very effective at crack filling because we recognize that it begins with properly cleaning out the cracks of moss, dirt, debris, etc. We use wire brooms, rotating bristle heads and blowers for this purpose. Our team uses a hot-apply, rubberized crack filler to fill in the exposed cracks; a method found to be superior to cold-apply products. The material is heated, poured into the cracks, and then torched to ensure a proper bond and surface smoothness. The crack filler then cools, hardening inside the crack, preventing any additional moisture penetration.


When asphalt is freshly paved, it has a rich, black color. As the asphalt ages and is exposed to the elements, asphalt will progressively become grayer and grayer and the texture will become coarser and coarser. This is the result of gradual decay to the liquid asphalt that serves as the binder in asphalt pavement. Sealing asphalt periodically serves two mutually beneficially purposes: it will restore the rich black color which is aesthetically pleasing and it will restore the binder which promotes the structural integrity of the asphalt pavement. Asphalt sealing is one of the oldest services in our company, and we have a lot of experience. The Team Cam asphalt management team is well-versed at minimizing the inconvenience of:
  • Prime-time barricading and traffic re-direction
  • Extended site preparation and coordination
  • Giving up all or parts of your parking lot for extended prime-time
Team Cam uses quality and regionally-renowned sealers and we understand how proper dilution ratios will affect the longevity of your seal. The cost of sealing the asphalt surfaces every 3-7 years is much less costly than totally replacing cracked and damaged asphalt.


Asphalt speed bumps are the most common type of speed bumps. While they are extremely effective and very durable, to keep them looking fresh and noticeable, asphalt speed bumps should be repainted and resealed annually. Asphalt speed bumps are typically found in parking lots to serve the purpose of reducing vehicle traffic speeds to 10-15 miles per hour. Although concrete speed bumps are expensive to install, they are difficult to remove or damage as they are a permanent fixture unlike plastic or rubber speed bumps. Asphalt speed bumps are primarily used to reduce traffic speeds which also reduces traffic volume in parking lots and on streets and residential thoroughfares. Typically, they are most effective at slowing traffic in residential communities where families and children play, commercial and retail parking lots, and commercial and private driveways. Team Cam asphalt speed bump installations and projects include design, speed bump placement, and installation or repairs after the speed bumps have been in service. Our team can also remove, reseal, and repaint any speed bumps which are not performing or have become damaged over time. If your commercial property requires maintenance to repair, fill, seal, or patch your asphalt, contact Team Cam today.