Excess water on a commercial property can damage your foundation and create health and safety issues. To combat this issue, a seepage pit may need to be installed. This entails the services of a licensed excavation professional. Team Cam has experience with troubleshooting commercial drainage issues. Those issues might involve street water, stormwater damage, or trench drainage systems. We can also provide ground and land drainage, surface drainage systems, rain water drainage, and standing water drainage, in addition to seepage pit installation.
If your site work requires demolition, drainage and stormwater repair, utility work, or storm waste management installations, contact Team Cam today for a free estimate.
Team Cam has completed multiple projects in commercial site work, from re-utilization of existing buildings to new pad sites. Our team can provide the cradle to grave approach which starts with clearing the site and ends with paving and earth stabilization.
One of the most important benefits working with Team Cam can provide is planning review during the permitting stage to examine project feasibility. Our team can analyze plans and make recommendations to improve site balancing which can save a large sum of costs. We also review the required materials and recommend the use of alternative materials for reduced costs. If you have an existing permitted project, we can still provide these services during the construction phase of the job as you experience field changes.
Parking structures displace a large amount of rainfall that is not able to soak naturally into the soil. The more surface area used the more rainfall that needs to be redirected. Drainage systems for these structures remove stormwater quickly and efficiently so that there is minimal impact on vehicle and pedestrian traffic as well as the surrounding environment.
The principal use of storm basins (also referred to as catch basins) is to collect pavement runoff, acting as a junction for the storm drain system. This is best achieved by constructing with the sump below the pipe invert. The sump collects sediment and debris entering the catch basin through the grate inlet. The collected material is usually removed by using a Vactor truck, or by hand. Storm basins often need to be adjusted to ensure the proper pitch for drainage. Team Cam can remove the storm basin and excavate as deep as is necessary to perform the adjustment.
In some cases, there is no proper drainage in a parking lot. Team Cam can install a new storm basin as a possible solution in these cases. If there is a place to tie in the drain pipes, or a place to let the water runoff, then a storm basin can be installed in the lot. The proposed area is excavated as needed and a new concrete superstructure is installed.
Contact Team Cam today for more information and a free estimate for your commercial property. Our crew is there when you need us for commercial drainage, storm basin or trench drain installations in Maryland and the Baltimore/DC areas.
When damage occurs to your aboveground BMP and/or surrounding devices, regulations require that you, the property owner, restore the stormwater system to its original design. Failure to restore the damages will certainly lead to a failed annual inspection, or even worse, a severe storm event may lead to catastrophic environmental damage. Stormwater facilities damage repair may range from minor erosion solutions to projects that include large-scale remediation.
Bio-retention pond areas, or rain gardens, are stormwater management features adapted to provide on-site treatment of stormwater runoff. Bio-retention ponds are commonly situated in within small pockets of residential land uses or parking lot islands with surface runoff directed into shallow, landscaped depressions.
These landscaped depressions are designed to integrate many pollutant-removal systems that operate organically in forested ecosystems. During large rainstorms, water runoff is diverted past the facility to the stormwater drainage systems. The remaining stormwater runoff filters through the organic mulch and prepared soil mixes. As an alternative system, the filtered runoff could also be collected in a perforated underdrain and returned to the storm drain system.
It’s important business. Team Cam considers all manner of elements when crafting bio-retention solutions. Factors integrated into the plan include regional applicability, stormwater hotspots, cold-water streams, drainage areas, topography, pretreatment, maintenance reduction, and finished landscaping.
If your site work requires stormwater management, drainage, and stormwater repair, or storm waste management installations, or you need stormwater, drainage, or surface drainage repair evaluation, contact Team Cam today for more information.