If you live in an area that typically receives snow and ice every winter, it’s crucial that you winterize your asphalt surfaces. Roads, parking lots and other commercial asphalt structures with high traffic are at risk of greater damage in the winter months. Snow, ice, brine, and de-icers can all harm your surfaces by exacerbating existing cracks that may have developed in your pavement due to weather or stress over the last year. The best way to keep your asphalt investment safe is preventative maintenance and winterizing now, before temperatures drop.
Proper maintenance of asphalt pavement can prevent costly repairs down the road such as repair or milling and replacement. Periodic pressure washing of asphalt surfaces will ensure all dirt, debris, chemicals, and petroleum products are removed from your pavement’s surface. These chemicals and debris can easily be carried into cracks by water and snow, causing additional damage.
Moderate temperatures make autumn the optimal time for crack sealing maintenance. During the hot summer season, pavement expands and closes cracks, while the cold temperatures of winter worsen and enlarge these cracks. Water and ice seep into the cracks during winter and freeze, thaw, and refreeze. Crack repair should, therefore, be done while the weather is still on your side. Your asphalt professional will prevent moisture from getting into any cracks and expansion joints by sealing them with a polyurethane caulk. Taking care of cracked or deteriorated pavement now can minimize further damage heaving and cracking during the winter freeze and spring thaw.
Sealcoating is extremely crucial for your asphalt areas during long, wet winters. Sealcoating prolongs the life of your asphalt pavements by creating a barrier against moisture and debris. As an added benefit of sealing your asphalt, you will be able to reinvigorate the asphalt’s rich black appearance and color without having to completely repave. Unsealed asphalt is susceptible to cracks which, if left untreated, can result in costly repairs of potholes or sub-layers.
As the winter season approaches, the time is now to protect your asphalt surfaces. Call Team Cam at (443) 304-2237 or fill out a Request an Estimate form for a free estimate for your winterizing project.