Spring is finally here and summer is on the way. With the changing of the seasons comes the usual barrage of spring rains that can wreak havoc on a commercial property with excess water and flooding. Drainage issues can occur for many reasons including excess street water, storm water damage or trench draining systems. Team Cam can help you to find the source of your drainage problems and come up with the best solution to resolve them. We can also provide ground and land drainage, surface drainage systems, rainwater drainage, and standing water drainage, in addition to seepage pit installation. Below are brief highlights of a few of the drainage services we offer.
In some cases, there is no proper drainage in a parking lot. Team Cam can install a new storm basin as a possible solution in these cases. If there is a place to tie into the drain pipes, or a place to let the water runoff then a storm basin can be installed in the lot. The proposed area is excavated as needed and a new concrete superstructure is installed.
Bio-retention pond areas, or rain gardens, are stormwater management features adapted to provide on-site treatment of stormwater runoff. Bio-retention ponds are commonly situated within small pockets of residential land uses or parking lot islands with surface runoff directed into shallow, landscaped depressions.
These landscaped depressions are designed to integrate many pollutant-removal systems that operate organically in forested ecosystems. During large rainstorms, water runoff is diverted past the facility to the stormwater drainage systems. The remaining stormwater runoff filters through the organic mulch and prepared soil mixes. As an alternative system, the filtered runoff could also be collected in a perforated underdrain and returned to the storm drain system.
If your site work requires stormwater management, drainage, and stormwater repair, or storm waste management installations, or you need stormwater, drainage, or surface drainage repair evaluation, contact Team Cam today for more information.