On any construction project, concrete is usually the most important material on the job site. In most cases, concrete work must be completed no matter the weather, so even in the extreme cold of the winter months there are ways to get the job done and have it done right.
Concrete is porous and susceptible to moisture unless it has been properly repaired and sealed. Taking the time maintain smaller issues and imperfections when they happen or are noticed help to save time and money. Patching areas that show signs of damage like small surface cracks or repairing with sealant to form a watertight bond will help to blend the surface of the concrete and once dry hold a level of flexibility and that will not pull away from the sides of the crack even as the concrete expands or contracts with temperature fluctuation.
Often time is of the essence when impending weather is on the horizon and concrete needs to be poured. Jumpstart the set time of a batch of concrete with a concrete accelerator. Concrete accelerators or admixtures can improve concrete quality, manageability, acceleration, or retardation of setting time, among other properties that could be altered to achieve specific results.
Accelerators can be used to increase either the rate of stiffening or setting of the concrete. At the same time, they promote strength development, so it happens earlier in the set time of a slab. Accelerators counteract the influence of cold weather, which slows down the curing and setting process of the job. Concrete admixtures with air entrained concrete can help increase the freeze-thaw durability which improves resistance of concrete to severe frost action and increases the degree of workability. Other concrete admixtures can reduce maintenance costs by slowing down corrosion in reinforced steel used in concrete.
But accelerators aren’t just for cold weather; contractors can use one anytime the curing process needs a jump. The admixture may allow a concrete worker to remove forms earlier, step onto a concrete surface for finishing in a shorter time frame, or even put loads on it sooner such as when diverting foot traffic to do patching. Because accelerators cut set time, they can also reduce labor costs.
Don’t let winter deter you from starting your concrete pouring jobs. Call Team Cam today at 443-304-2237 to get answers to your complex questions about concrete techniques and different accelerators or to get a free estimate for your commercial or municipal concrete project in the Baltimore area.