During our day-to-day activities, there are most likely issues we encounter that we do not consider as possible barriers for individuals with disabilities. The curb at the front of a grocery store or the stairs up to your doctors’ office could inhibit someone who uses a cane or is in a wheelchair from accessing these important commercial properties.

When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990, it included proper building and accessibility guidelines for commercial properties. As these guidelines are continually being updated, Team Cam maintains awareness and necessary compliance initiatives regarding all ADA guidelines. All new construction and remodeling must be able to accommodate people with disabilities in order to allow them to safely and comfortably navigate public areas on an even basis with others who do not have a disability.

Some of the most common areas for improvement in commercial properties are:

  • Restrooms. A single restroom in a commercial property may have up to 40 compliance regulations to follow. These regulations include but are not limited to; size requirements of stalls, grab bars installed in the correct locations, and sinks and toilets at an appropriate height.
  • Entry. A building must allow for ramps at an appropriate slope for safe entry and exit of a building as well as proper curb cuts. In the event that there is more than one floor that needs to be accessed, an elevator or lift must be installed.
  • Parking. The standard amount of Handicap Accessible parking spots is 1:25 in most commercial parking lots. The handicapped parking spots must also have the correct sizing, signage and markings, and the shortest accessible route to an accessible entrance.
  • Flooring. Conditions must be smooth enough to allow for a wheelchair to easily move throughout the building and any problematic flooring must be replaced.

Ensuring your commercial property is ADA Compliant may seem like a large task to take on but will pay off in the long run in terms of avoiding any legal costs that could occur. There was a 33% percent increase in the number of ADA Title III lawsuits between 2017 and 2018, in other words, the number of lawsuits surrounding ADA Compliance has tripled in the past year. Team Cam is knowledgeable about how to keep your commercial property compliant and accessible to everyone.

If your commercial facility requires improvements, repairs, or new construction to remain or become ADA Compliant, call Team Cam at (443) 304-2237 for a free estimate.